Saturday, April 28, 2012

Strange Television

I have a problem; I love a good freakshow. Have you ever happened to catch an episode of "My Strange Addiction"? It's a show about people that are addicted to doing fucked up shit. There was a guy that was addicted to pulling hair out of women's tubs. A chick that ate drywall, another that only ate cat treats. Then there's the lady that drinks her own urine and the guy that bones his car. No shit. So, of course when I remember it's on I have to watch (I must admit the urine drinking made me gag) because it fascinates me. If I drank my bodily fluids I sure as hell wouldn't go on TV to show the world. What makes these people agree to display this to millions of strangers that are collectively saying "What the fuck?!" to their televisions? I know why I watch it; because no matter how my life is going at that point in time I know one thing is certain: at least I'm not that chick that only eats cat food.


Friday, April 27, 2012

Everybody's Doing It

Blogging that is. It's kind of strange, really- people thinking strangers give a fuck about the scarf they bought or their recent breakup.Then again, my favorite part of Doogie Howser was at the end when he typed in his journal. Mostly because I am completely nosey. I never kept a journal or diary growing up, so chances are I will slack on this, or fill the Internet with useless drabble no one really gives a fuck about. Regardless, here we go.

I'm 30. I've been married for 10 years (Right?! Take that Kardashian.) I'm ridiculous. And by ridiculous, I mean just that. I say what's on my mind; sometimes it gets me in trouble, but most times it's fucking awkward. (Oh yeah, I love the word fuck. I realize some people think it makes one sound less intelligent...but meh. It's an awesome word.) I get it from my Grams. She was awesome, but also had a knack for being hilarious when she wasn't trying to be. Don't worry, I'll share some Grandma stories some day. I wish she was still here so I could have more.

Anyway, I am a freak magnet and stupid shit happens to me all the time. My friends actually expect to get a call from me that starts with "You are NOT going to believe what just happened to me" For instance, a few months ago I was out at a bar watching an 80's cover band. (as you can imagine, the people watching was fantastic.) A man that looked like a 6'8" version of Kenny Rogers approached me and asked me if I liked being tickled.


No, really. This is my life. I have no choice but to laugh at it, but I find humor in almost anything.

Hey, look at that. I've blogged.